Is an EMDR or Trauma Intensive for me?
Are you tired of the week to week therapy appointments? Is it a struggle to adjust your schedule and find the time to consistently attend therapy? Are you feeling like your progress is slow and you are longing for something to work faster? If you answer yes to any of these questions, a trauma therapy intensive may be for you. Intensives are a powerful, deeply healing, and focused time for you to work with an expert trauma therapist on healing from painful life experiences. Here at Wellspring Therapy Associates, we offer two different forms of intensives.
Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and How to Prevent It
If you are in a caregiving role – whether it is as a therapist, a veterinarian, a foster/adoptive parent, a teacher, healthcare worker, pastor, or ministry leader – the risk of compassion fatigue is real! The more honest we can become around this, the more we are able to implement a plan of action for both the prevention and recovery of compassion fatigue.
The Importance of Community When Healing from Trauma
It’s normal to feel stuck in the effects of a past trauma, even if you try to move forward. Building and maintaining connections within a supportive network of individuals who have experienced similar challenges can contribute greatly to your healing and growth.
Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Are You Using Paper Straws?
As time goes on, a paper straw tends to get rather soggy or fall apart completely. When looking at coping mechanisms, we want to find tools that are useful in the short and long term to promote increased and ongoing wellness!
How to Connect With Others
We long for meaningful connections, but sometimes it can feel so hard to make friends. A solid foundation for any relationship requires mutual respect for and commitment to one another. If you approach others with a desire to listen and show that you care, you’re on the right track.
Things to do for Easter in Orlando
With its beautiful weather, abundance of attractions, and welcoming community, there's no shortage of activities to make your Easter memorable in Orlando. Here are some ways to celebrate Easter in the Orlando area.
How to Recharge this Spring
The changing of seasons comes with warmer weather and springtime blooms, but it can also be the height of a busy season at school or work. Here are some tips for embracing this new season.
Reflections from Eating Disorders Awareness Week
With a more widespread awareness and understanding of eating disorders, we hope that asking for help will be normalized, conversations about eating disorders will not feel shameful, and access to lifesaving treatment will become more accessible.
Time Management Tips for College Students
To put it lightly, college is a lot. Effective time management skills might look different depending on your work style, but here are a few tips to consider to feel more in control of your schedule.
Lapses, Relapses, and Recovery
Eating disorder and substance use recovery is difficult. The journey is filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. Throughout the process, it is important to stay focused on the goal… recovery.
How to Combat Loneliness and Embrace Alone Time
If you are looking to combat loneliness, here are practical ways to redirect the outcomes of alone time and begin to experience its benefits.